1. 盆地构造解析与盆山耦合研究
2. 构造建模与油气勘探
2021-11 至 2023-03,《柴达木盆地前新生界关键层序及盆地演化》,中国石油天然气股份有限公司青海油田分公司,研2021-勘探-技术-16, 149万元,(主持)
2021-09 至 2021-11,《阳霞凹陷中生代构造演化》,中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院, 2PED-2021-JS-1171, 15万元(主持)
2019-06 至 2020-06,《沧东凹陷与板桥凹陷陡坡带形成演化研究》,中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司海洋物探分公司(大港分院), BGPYJY2019-6990, 50万元(主持)
Liguang Mao; Xianzheng Zhao; Shixun Zhang; Yumeng Su; Fengming Jin; Xufeng Liang; Hongge Li; Wenqing Wang; Ancheng Xiao ; Structures and Kinematics of the Huanghua Depression in Bohai Bay Basin, East China: Implications for the Formation Mechanism of a Transtensional Basin, Lithosphere, 2021 (SCI)
Mao L, Wang L, Zhang J, Fu S, Xiao A, Liang X. Mid-Miocene initiation of the Aimunike- Oulongbuluke Range in the NE Qaidam Basin, implications for the growth of the Tibetan Plateau. INT GEOL REV. 2019. (SCI)
Mao L, Tian J, Wang L, Zhang C, Zhang W, Tian R, et al. Initiation and origin of dextral deformation at Mid-Eocene in the western Bohai Bay Basin, East China. J ASIAN EARTH SCI. 2019;185:104031. (SCI)
Mao, L., Xiao, A., Zhang, H., Wu, Z., Liufu, Y., Wu, L. and Zhao, X. (2017). Structural patterns of the late Mesozoic crustal detachment system in the Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China: New insights from 3D seismic data. Marine and Petroleum Geology 84: 215 - 224.(SCI)
Mao, L.*, Xiao, A.*, Zhang, H., Wu, Z., Wang, L., Shen, Y., Wu, L. (2016). Structural deformation pattern within the NW Qaidam Basin in the Cenozoic era and its tectonic implications. Tectonophysics 687:78-93. (SCI)
Liguang Mao, Xiao Ancheng*, Lei Wu, Benliang Li, Liqun Wang, Qianqian Lou, Youpu Dong and Suhua Qin (2014). Cenozoic tectonic and sedimentary evolution of southern Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau and its implication for the rejuvenation of Eastern Kunlun Mountains. Science China Earth Sciences 57 (11): 2726-2739. (SCI)
毛黎光,肖安成*,王亮,吴磊,楼谦谦,沈亚和张宏伟 (2013).柴达木盆地西北缘始新世晚期古隆起与阿尔金断裂的形成. 岩石学报(08): 2876-2882. (SCI)
毛黎光,肖安成*,魏国齐,沈中延,王亮,张林和钱俊峰 (2011).扬子地块北缘晚古生代-早中生代裂谷系统的分布及成因分析.岩石学报(3): 721-731. (SCI)